November 2024
Real Solutions for a Brighter Future in the Granite State
Welcome to the first edition of the NH Possible newsletter. We are glad you are here and part of our growing community. We hope you enjoy discovering what our partners have been working on in our effort to create a brighter future for everyone who lives in New Hampshire.
Dreaming Bigger in the Granite State
New Hampshire Possible is a growing group of organizations and individuals committed to creating a state where everyone can thrive. We are working toward health and well-being for all, an economy that works for everyone, and engaged and inclusive communities. Learn more about NH Possible and where we are headed in our inaugural post, Dreaming Bigger in the Granite State.
Sharing a cup of coffee with a neighbor can help us feel more connected to each other and more supported in our community. We have so much more in common than we may realize. This is the theme of our new public message campaign, which is currently airing on WMUR as well as digital platforms. Preview the video below or use this link to view it online.
We are all stronger when we are working together with a sense of shared purpose. Granite Staters know how to come together to solve problems and we’re strong enough to have respectful conversations with our neighbors – even when we disagree. We won’t allow divisive rhetoric to undermine our relationships and communities. NH Possible partners are focused on bringing people together to create real solutions to pressing challenges we face here in the Granite State.
Partner Progress

Working to Slow the Rising Cost of Health Care
The NH Health Cost Initiative (NHHCI) is collaborating with regional Chambers of Commerce to engage member businesses in a dialogue about lowering health costs and improving access to health care for employees and their families. NHHCI recently partnered with the Concord Chamber of Commerce to survey members and convene a panel discussion. The effort examines common challenges and explores potential opportunities to improve employee health benefits while reducing participation costs. Learn more in the Concord Chamber newsletter. NHHCI plans more business and community outreach in the coming months.

Open Enrollment for Health Coverage
The Foundation for Healthy Communities (FHC) provides insurance navigation assistance through its NH Navigator program to help individuals and families obtain affordable health insurance through the Federal Marketplace, Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Open Enrollment season began November 1 and runs through January 15. FHC navigators can help you determine eligibility for programs and identify any discounts you may qualify for to ensure you find the best coverage for your needs and budget. Visit the NH Navigator website to learn more or call 1.877.211.NAVI.

Eli Cohn, Director; Bethany Murabito, Senior Director; Mariana Poore, Coordinator; Adrian Jasion, Director.

Creating a Strong Health Care Workforce
HealthForce NH works to bolster the pipeline of healthcare workers to ensure vital positions are filled in communities across the state. The Innovation Challenge recognizes creative solutions to healthcare workforce shortages in NH through a multi-stage pitch competition. The first-place winner of the 2024 Innovation Challenge was Androscoggin Valley Home Care Services for an initiative to train licensed nursing assistants (LNAs) across multiple facilities in NH’s North Country, allowing LNAs the flexibility and choice to pick up shifts at any participating area facility as they please. Learn more about the Innovation Challenge.

Androscoggin Valley Home Care Services Executive Director Margo Sullivan (left), HealthForce NH Senior Director Kate Luczko (right.)
More From NH Possible
Increasing Access to Childcare Will Drive a More Prosperous Economy Across the state, New Hampshire businesses cite lack of childcare as one of the top barriers to hiring and retaining the workers they need to grow and succeed. | Building a More Accessible and Affordable Healthcare System
No matter our level of income or where we live, we all deserve access to the healthcare we need when we need it.
NHPR, November 1, 2024
Related: NH Center for Justice and Equity Blog
Keene Sentinel, October 18, 2024
Related: NH Fiscal Policy Institute Blog
NH Bulletin, October 10, 2024
NHPR, October 31, 2024
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Tell Your Story

Health Cost, Health Access
Personal stories help to shine light on real experiences of everyday Granite Staters. These powerful stories can play an important role in efforts to catalyze positive systems and policy changes. How have you been impacted by challenges with Health Care Costs or Health Care Access? You can use our Tell Your Story form to share your experience and join with other voices calling for change.
Health and Well-Being for All...
An Economy that Works for Everyone...
Engaged and Inclusive Communities...
It’s all possible.